Sunday, April 2, 2023

Human Factors

02 Apr 23:

Found a FrontlineActor + Error = Cause? Investigation complete? No, there is a process to follow utilizing the Human Factors Classification and Analysis System (HFACS), developed by Drs. Shappell and Weigmann. Give them a call and when you can use a guide by the side to help navigate the HFACS trail, we're ready to help.

We'll be honest though, we're not dealing with holes in cheese, we're dealing with picking each individual bit of cheese out of 4 dimensional fondue! That takes experience, which we have. 40 plus years.

Fly Smart,

Clark and Skipper

(850) 449-4841

We Speak Runway Safety, Fluently

 02 Apr 23:

Runway Incursions and Excursions rearing their ugly head? We partnered with industry and helped whack them down in 2008, and we can do it again. As subject matter experts we can advise your organization on tactics to mitigate the threat until technological mitigations can catch up. 

Don't do surgery on yourself, give us a call!

(850) 449-4841

Fly Smart

Clark and Skipper

2008 Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT)

Runway Safety

Safety Management System (SMS)

 02 Apr 23:

It's not rocket science. It's safety science, a simple process to follow, tried and true. Developed in the late 1980s for high reliability organizations that want to build resilience into their operation. Incorporated about 8 years ago into Part 121 airline operations, and now moving into airport ops. Scalable to any operation, even one person surrounded by a supporting team.

We've been following the process for 25+ years and have proven, safety award winning programs in military and civilian aviation to prove it. We'd be honored to help guide your organization along the same trail. 

Protect people and preserve property = major return on investment.

Fly smart,

Clark and Skipper

(850) 449-4841

Safety Management Systems

Essential Leadership Skills

 02 Apr 23:

Here are a few essential Leadership skills. Top priority for 21st Century safety = Communication to exchange knowledge. "When we know better, we do better." (Maya Angelou)

Fly Smart
Clark and Skipper
(850) 449-4841

Rest, Hydrate, Hear

 02 Apr 23:

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Key components to safe operations are ensuring we receive proper rest, eat nutritional meals and stay hydrated. That is our responsibility, rarely will anyone else look out for those essential needs except for what is the minimum required by regulation. And if minimum rest isn't enough, get some more. Don't fly if fatigued, someone else can do it. Easier to reschedule a flight than to conduct a mishap investigation. 

As for hearing, to get to the next level of safety we need to be better listeners and find common shared ground with all members of the team, whether they are on the ground or in the air. Communicate, collaborate, graduate.

Fly Smart,


Don't Be Joe

 02 Apr 23:

Dirty Dozen

02 Apr 23:

The Dirty Dozen has been around for a while. Some of the Dozen have been mitigated with technology and changes to airport infrastructure, procedure, etc... Some have not, especially runway safety hazards. Heightened awareness and in depth briefings are in order to help reduce the runway safety hazards until technological mitigations can be developed. Risk management must be done for every takeoff and landing, and the risks experienced today at one airport will be different the next takeoff or landing.

In the meantime, Look Outside. Listen. Do checklists while stopped. Scan the runway before taking off. To reduce excursions, fly a stabilized approach, as speed kills airplanes and people in this environment.

Look - Listen - Live.

Fly Smart,
