12 Jul 18:
One of the first things we learned in flight training was to AVIATE, fly the aircraft, at all times, especially during an emergency. In a multi crew aircraft, make sure at least one person is flying before jumping into checklists or emergency procedures. Then NAVIGATE, make sure we know where we are going, and third on the list was to COMMUNICATE, with ATC, crew, passengers, or the company.
NTSB accident data suggests that pilots who are distracted by less essential tasks can lose control of their aircraft and crash. In light of this pilots are reminded to maintain aircraft control at all times. This may mean a delay in responding to ATC communications and passenger requests, or not responding at all unless positive aircraft control can be maintained throughout.
In other words, Fly the Aircraft First! Here is a video from the FAA Safety Team.
It's all part of a Risk Management plan:
-Identify hazards to Personnel, Aircraft, external pressures and environmental risks
-Classify Severity and Frequency. A hazard that can result in death and has a high chance of occurring must be dealt with immediately, examples are Inadvertent VFR into IMC or icing conditions in non rated aircraft.
-Develop a mitigation plan to transfer the risk, eliminate or accept
-Implement the plan
-Assess the plan and make changes as needed.
Since we are on the subject of risk management, did you know that it is one of the 4 pillars of a Safety Management System (SMS)? SMS pillars are:
-Safety Culture
-Risk Management
-Safety Assurance
-Safety Promotion
-Safety culture is developing a positive culture of beliefs and norms and applying those to planning and practice.
-Risk management, well we just talked about that, but we have a method and stick with it.
-Safety assurance is checking our plan and making sure it is producing the desired effects, and not generating negative consequences. Adjust as needed, check again, just like using Control and Crosscheck to fly the airplane.
-Safety promotion is sharing our positive attitudes and demonstrated behaviors with our fellow aviators, like attending a Wings Seminar in person or online, giving PIREPS or checking more pages on our blog :)
Here is a link to a Fact Sheet from the FAA.
Fly Smart!